I woke up early on race day, had my usual pre-race breakfast, checked the weather, and got my running gear on. After filling my water bottle and grabbing an energy gel, I was ready to head out for my 10k race.
The night before I mapped out a route I never ran before. I did that to make it more exciting and unpredictable. I had no idea where or how many hills there would be or what the terrain would be like. As most races I run are on routes I never ran before, I thought it would be a good idea to do the same thing for this race. I headed towards the starting line and was pumped! I set my finishing goal for an 1 hour and 10 minutes. I was off! My race had started.
My plan was to run this race doing a few sets of running 20 minutes and walking 1. I started with a slow pace plans to speed it up after I passed the 5k mark. I remember thinking if anyone else was running this race at the same time I was and what their plan of attack was.
I encountered a few early hills but I was fresh and took them on without any problems. I completed my first set of 20 minutes of running and took my first walking break. After a sip of water and 1 minute of walking, I was off again.
After I passed the 5k mark, I increased my speed. I was running a bit faster than I should have been as I felt a loss of energy after I reached my second set of running 20 minutes. I consumed the energy gel, drank more water and began running again only at a slower pace.
As I headed toward the final part of the race, I saw something I wished I didn't see. HILLS!!! Lots of HILLS! I knew the finish was going to be tough.
Those hills took a lot out of me. The inclines were deep. For a moment I thought I was in San Francisco!
I finished the race with a time of 1 hour and 12 minutes. I missed my goal by 2 minutes. I blame it on those hills!
I really enjoyed myself again during this Jost Running race.
I am currently training for my next Jost Running race which will be a half marathon. I can't wait for that race!